grizzer – Jan 28, 2011 12:00 AM

We're seeing some significant progress with hair growth for Grizzer, it's actually coming back on the suture site with some curl. I look forward to the days of a full face shot on an animal that has always been photogenic. Grizzer continues the passive model of dominance with following and chasing being the most consistent behavior. This is good for his physical condition, but it makes Denali a bit nervous. There is a significant amount of resting behavior during the day, and while the associations vary, Grizzer does seem to spend the most time resting with Maya. The tail postures from Aidan would be more concerning if there wasn't a show of respect for Grizzer, but Aidan does socially engage with Grizzer and does seem to respect him. The Vermilion Community College Ethology class will be beginning a significant data collection period in the upcoming weeks, and their observations will include a reference to this type of association.

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