grizzer – Sep 27, 2004 12:00 AM

Despite Grizzer's large body size, he still is rather tolerant of sharing food with his siblings. During a recent feeding, Grizzer and Maya ate their deer carcass rather peacefully, while Nyssa decided to take on the arctics. Grizzer has been suffering from the erruption of his permanent teeth. Last Thursday, Center Intern Jen White observed Grizzer franticly pawing at his mouth. Curator, Lori Schmidt went in and checked Grizzzer for obstructions, only to find one of his premolar milk teeth, partially dangling from his gums. Lori extracted the tooth without incident. Thank you to all the Nannies who faithfully conditioned the pups to gum and teeth work. There's also been a bout of allergy/or pond algae based ear infections in the Exhibit pack. This requires ear cleaning and ointment. The puppies are great to work on. They sit patiently while staff cleans their ears with cottonballs and deliver drops. Again, a big thank you to the Nannies who helped condition the pups to this type of handling. Shadow and Malik are another story. We did find that if you wanted Shadow and Malik to run the other way, just pull out the bottle of ear ointment.

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