maya – Sep 20, 2004 12:00 AM

Maya is described by staff as being very sweet natured. When staff enter the enclosure, Grizzer tends to dominate the staff's time. As he's teething, he attempts to use staff arms as a chew toy. This behavior is strongly discouraged. So, staff tend to spend a lot of time with Grizzer. Maya patiently waits on the rock or by the fence until Grizzer's lessons are done, then approaches for a greeting. Maya seems to seek the arctics attention actively face licking them to get a greeting, which usually results in her rolling over on her back for them. There was some concern that Maya's coat wasn't developing as well, so she gets a can of tuna on her food twice a day. This seems to have helped and she enjoys it. The task is to keep Grizzer and Nyssa's face out of Maya's bowl.

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