grizzer – Aug 12, 2004 12:00 AM

The pups were given a taste test this morning to determine food preference. They were given the options of ground beef, beaver, venison, and bone dust. The pups showed a strong preference for beaver meat and so staff put a beaver carcass in the pen for the pups to eat. Initially they all took their time in getting down to the carcass. Grizz stayed on the carcass longer than his littermates, but all pups fed on the carcass throughout the course of the day. Grizz decided cool off from the hot day by taking a swim in the pond. While he was swimming he was also chasing his tail and having a good time. Grizz has really taken very well to the pond and he is seen much more frequently in the pond than the other four ambassador wolves. As fall approaches and the Curator goes back to full-time employment at the college, wolf logs will be posted only once a week.

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