lakota – Jan 14, 2002 12:00 AM

Fed a Beaver to Lakota, isolated the yearlings for several hours, so Lakota could eat undisturbed. Observed Lakota chasing ravens off the remaining carcass; this is the first real play behavior observed in Lakota since New year's day when she followed the alpha's in pursuit of the yearlings. All wolves seem healthy, and are experiencing their first real cold weather this winter. Temperatures are predicted to be 20 below zero by the end of the week. Wolf care staff continually maintain several straw beds for all wolves, although the coats on the wolves are very thick and they don't seem to notice the cold. Straw was placed in Lakota's den hole; the tunnel extends at least 5 feet underground to a 4×5 crawl space. With the placement of the new straw, Lakota had packed down a very comfortable bed deep in the tunnel.

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