shadow – Jul 16, 2000 12:00 AM

Wolf Nanny Diane Glenny writes: Malik and Shadow are getting whiter and bigger every day. They seem to be running much faster than even a few days ago but, of course, still manage to trip often. Shadow is very persistant in getting something he wants and knows how to distract Malik in getting it. Their "tussels" over objects have been getting more serious, with more growls and lunges than before. Malik and Shadow enjoy hiding leftover food for later snacks – simulating the habit of adult wolves. Malik howled once on his own after eating a strip of deer hide. Both pups howled after waking up and greeting the other nanny with whimpering. I truly enjoyed my week at the International Wolf Center and I wish I could have stayed longer. It was a privilege to work with everyone and help with the wolf pups. While the wolf pups are truly wild animals, I can't help but compare their independence and enthusiasm to that of my Siberian husky pups.

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