shadow – Jun 19, 2000 12:00 AM

Nancy Gibson writes: Malik (blue collared wolf) and Shadow (red collared wolf) are six weeks old on June 19 and are beginning to look and act more wolf-like each day. Their heads are quite large in proportion to their body to house all of their senses needed for survival. Eyesight, hearing and smelling have increased dramatically and they are perceiving their surroundings better by faster reactions. They will show fear by running together into a corner and huddling close to each other and they will also more readily show excitement when familiar handlers approach. Malik is close to giving up nursing and typically sucks the first half of the formula then laps the rest. Shadow continues to show more interest in food by eagerly nursing and eating at every opportunity. His weight reflects his diet as he now surpassed his brother's weight at 11.11 pounds. Malik weighs 11.6 pounds. They love being outdoors chasing bugs and digging in the dirt to seek cool spots.

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