grizzer – May 5, 2008 12:00 AM

Grizzer and Maya are four years old today, May 5. It is hard to believe four years have gone by since we selected these pups to join the Exhibit Pack. Grizzer continues to maintain the testing status of adult, while occasionally reverting back to a pup mentality when interacting with his littermate, Maya. All of the wolves received a complete medical exam on Friday, including detailed blood work, ear treatment for flies, and a tick treatment. The results of the blood work won’t be back until later in the week, but it is critical before the pups arrive that we know all individuals are healthy. Wolf care staff attempted to get weights on Grizzer, but he bottomed out the scale at 110 lbs. So, this likely means that he is a healthy amount over 110 lbs. He generally loses this extra weight during the summer, but the only opportunity we have to weigh him is when he is sedated for an exam. We won’t need to do another routine medical exam for three more years. The video for the Exhibit pack was taken a day after the medical exam, prior to the Saturday night feeding. As you can see, everyone recovered well and was excited about the deer feeding.

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