Aidan – Recurring Issues
Aidan, our dominant pack leader of the Exhibit Pack had a growth removed from his front left leg. Staff have been monitoring its presence for several months, but a sudden change in size prompted the vet care team to decide to remove the growth. This was a 2nd growth removed in the last 6 months, with the first found to be a low grade mass cell tumor that had not metastasized, This second growth was adjacent to the first growth, but not connected in the tissue. He had not shown any clinical signs of illness and staff were diligent in developing a recovery plan to reunite the pack once Aidan gained full mobility from the anesthesia. Surgery was completed by 8:30 am on Wednesday November 8th the pack was reunited with Aidan still showing strong leadership by 4 pm that day. The wolf care team will be monitoring pack activity and Aidan’s progress through recovery. This was a particularly poignant surgery as colder temperatures and snowy weather can increase pack intensity, especially testing from the young arctic wolves, Grayson and Axel. In addition, wolf care staff had a some somber moments as we remembered the loss of Lakota on November 7, 2008…the year Aidan was born.
If you are interested in contributing to Aidan’s medical expenses or in honor of any of past, current or future ambassador wolves, please consider a gift to the Wolf Care Fund. On the donation page, under Destination, select the drop down menu box for Wolf Care and include any special comments or memories you would like to share in the comments section.