Aidan – Hard to Hide With Curious Pups
It is Aidan and Denali’s Birthday today. They had a stimulating start to their day by being moved to the East Side Retired area so we could cut some hazard trees in the enclosure. The Center will resume summer hours on May 15th which means 7 day a week viewing. It’s important that we get as much work done while we have the freedom to draw the wolves off for a few hours. Once we are open, we rarely bring them off display except for a few hours on the Working for Wolves weekend. As the weather warms, the wolves are showing more of these “hide and ambush” behaviors. They are usually accompanied by tail wagging by both the instigator and the receiver. Of course, warmer weather is relative. This photo taken over the weekend is not representative of the weather today. Northern Minnesota was blanketed with sleet yesterday and now snow today. On Monday April 17th, we conducted a medical exam as part of our USDA Vet Care protocol. Unfortunately, Aidan was a bit too stressed about the pack (mainly pups) being separated and despite a required dose to immobilize him, he did not show the level of sedation safe for an exam. His role is extremely important in this pack and we chose to allow him to stay in the Exhibit and reversed the drug that was injected. We will look at another opportunity to complete his exam later in the season when the pack displays a more calming nature due to the seasonal influence of prolactin hormone. Clips of the wolves reuniting after the exam will be featured on our Youtube channel this week.