Aidan – A Unique Bond
In this photo, Grayson is paying homage to Aidan. Note Grayson’s flat ears, crouched body while licking Adian’s face; a classic sign of submission. Grayson has a strong bond with Aidan and certainly spends more time in appeasement behavior than his littermate Axel or any of the the other pack members, This is certainly in line with Grayson’s more gentler approach to interactions. We even notice that Aidan does less dominance over Grayson than he does over Axel. Of course, that’s probably because Grayson doesn’t need much dominance. The Vermilion Community College Wolf Ethology students will start their data recording sessions in March and we suspect their behavioral data will support our interpretation of a strong bond between the current pack leader and the pup that came into the pack with a host of social anxiety.