Grayson – Always Something to Chew

One thing that is certain about a pup year, we go through a lot of food.  The pups are still fed individual meals of meat (beef, chicken, bonedust or bison) nearly every day.  These meals are primarily targeted at Grayson who continues to lag in weight behind Axel.  In addition to the Saturday night “What’s for Dinner” program, we now feed on Wednesday mornings, usually beaver, deer scraps and the occasional whole chickens.  While Grayson may not be as assertive, there are many resources in the enclosure to satisfy his needs.  We continue to weigh the pups once a week, bringing them into the heated Wolf Care Center where they had many positive memories as pups.   Both pup’s are parasite free and while Grayson is still a bit behind Axel in weight, he is on track with data records from Shadow.