Aidan – Regaining his Youth
We have noticed a significant change in Aidan’s activity level. As we have written many times in the past, Aidan has some auto-immune issues that have required a special treatment and medications around the weekly carcass feedings. We are always concerned about his health, but prior to the pup’s arrival, his activity level seemed to be on the decline and his digestive tract seemed to have more issues with bloating. Since the pup’s introduction, we are seeing a spring in his step and a more youthful activity level. He is often observed intervening when Denali and Boltz get too rambunctious, possibly protecting the pups, but more likely protecting his status by not letting the subordinate males get too confident. This is a good age to deal with pups and one of the main reasons why we do pups on a 4-year rotation. Aidan and Denali will be 9 year of age next spring and we have discovered that if we waited too long to introduce, the pups can take advantage of them. At 8 years of age, Aidan is young enough to set the level of dominance and stern enough that the lower ranking wolves don’t question it.