Grizzer – Up to Weight!
Wolf care staff are happy to announce that Grizzer has gained back all of his weight from the initial weight loss during last winter, likely due to the constant activity and calorie burn associated with the construction of the Wolf Care Center. Not only did Grizzer benefit from pup leftovers this summer, but staff continue to provide a varied diet and a calm relaxing habitat to keep the calorie consumption high and the burn-off low. At this age, we are happy with his prime weight of 123 pounds. Grizzer is aware of Luna’s new location, but does not show any anxiety or increased activity based on her presence. These two have never met before, as Grizzer was retired before Luna and Boltz were born, but there appears to be no stress from either wolf due to the others presence. I know many have asked if Luna and Grizzer are compatible and at this point, we want to focus on Luna, her physical assessment and if there have been changes to her bone structure. I also need to be mindful of Grizzer’s age and the impact of a younger, more agile packmember can have on a retiree. You may recall Grizzer was in a reverse situation in 2014, when we tried to integrate him with Shadow, but Grizzer’s increased activity and active food defense was a bit too much for Shadow at the age of 14. They were much more compatible sharing a fence-line than having physical interactions. .