Grayback – Predatory Drive
As we have said many times before, the most valuable component of a socialized wolf pup is that they are relaxed enough to display natural behaviors among the many distractions of a captive facility. In this photo, Grayback displays a stalking behavior as he is about to ambush his littermate. These social interactions may be described by some as “Play Behavior”, but every practice predatory encounter is honing the skills necessary to be successful in capturing prey. Of course, in captivity, prey is delivered in many forms, but these are instinctual behaviors and they emerge long before pups are ever exposed to a hunt. We had a significant growth rate in the last 24 hours. Yesterday morning he weighed 10.3 lbs.and this morning, he weighed 10.8 lbs, gaining .5 pounds in one day. This is a great weight gain, but he is a bit behind Axel and we are working on some additional supplements to help him catch up. He is certainly active and healthy, we just need to monitor the calorie output with the calorie input.