Boltz – Some Summer Phobias

I have said this many times, Boltz has some shyness that we will never overcome because he was nearly a month old when we met him.  But, the shyness is not just a socialization issue.  Boltz seems to also have an issue with bees.  He was stung when he was younger and that negative event has made him obsessed with the noise of buzzing flies, bees, hornets (unfortunately, we have a lot of the aforementioned). This makes it even harder to work with him because he is so panicked by the summer bugs.  You will notice he is less groomed than the other wolves, anything coming over his head makes him a bit nervous.  So instead of brushing, we pluck his hair.  We are working on his trust, but at this time, the only thing that works is if Boltz has Denali at his side.  These two wolves have a very strong bond.  We won’t give up, he may well be the future pack leader, so we want to increase our bond and his confidence.   He does have his favorite staff, so we know there’s hope.