Luna – Three and Going Strong

So sorry for the delay in postings.  We celebrated Luna’s 3rd birthday on March 25th with a webinar featuring a short clip of her birthday. She received a cow leg, and in a behavior uncharacteristic of Luna, chose to lie quietly with her cow leg until the webinar ended.  Of course, moments later, she was wrestling and defending her leg from Denali and Boltz, but proceeded to carry it around, drop it in front of the other wolves wolves, then growl in defense of the leg.  This went on for hours after the webinar, and reminded us of Lucas’s behavior from the 1993 litter.  Lucas was the only male in a litter of 4 and without another male, he tended to stay out of the rank order.  He was famous for carrying deer heads, dropping them in front of the dominant female, MacKenzie, then growling at her if she showed interest. 

This week’s image shows Luna doing a play bow which was followed by an invite chase behavior.  I posted the video of this on YouTube last week, Aidan was pawing the ground like he was in a bull fight.  Could this be Luna’s idea of pair bonding?