Grizzer – What’s Beyond those Trees

One disadvantage Grizzer has is the fact that he doesn’t have a pack to to rally with when he’s a bit intimidated.  We have had a wild wolf around the parking lot and tracks have been viewed around the enclosure.   There are times, when the surveillance camera shows the reaction of the pack with a high step as they race to the back of the enclosure.  The Exhibit Pack takes on the challenge as a group displaying the fight response and while they still may be intimidated with tucked tails, they are dealing with it as a group.   Grizzer may be more reserved and take a more passive side to the wild wolves or human strangers that are in the yard and he may display the flight response.    If wolf care staff are with him, he’s more confident, and may even display his tail in the air, ready to take on anything.  When wolf care are not in the enclosure, he generally comes up to the yard and rests close to the building.  As the daylight shortens as we approach the solstice, we need to be mindful that things go spook in the night even for captive wolves.