Accommodating Diets

We have always known that Luna is different and she will have special needs throughout her life. In the latest blood work, her vitamin D levels were not as good as we have had in the past, so we are trying a new plan. We need Luna to eat a well rounded, vitamin filled meal every day. This is completely different the the normal wolf diet of gorging with stomach receptors allowing them to eat 20% of their body weight in one sitting. Luna, likes to do that and will obviously be a pack feeder on the weekly carcass, but we need to address some special dietary needs for Luna and not have so much excess food for Aidan and the boys. This requires some changes. We needed to redesign a concrete pad at the gate to allow for multiple wolves to linger while Luna is getting her morning meal. There had been rocks in this gate location and we want to make sure that Luna has a smooth surface for interactions and feeding. Secondly, we need to make sure we havef 2 wolf care staff for morning meds to distract the other wolves while Luna gets her special diet. We only started a week ago and we already notice her building some body fat and muscle as we approach the winter season.