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Turkmenistan at a glance

Main prey for wolves here are ungulates and livestock.

This paper (originally in Russian), reports on the wolf population in Turkmenistan by saying:

The wolf is the only species among large predators, the number of which in the republic is maintained at a fairly high level. In 1946-1949. the annual production reached 697-999 individuals (on average 784.0), in 1950-1966. decreased to 376-626 (on average 534.7), in 1967-1974. – up to 332-490 (on average 413.7) and in 1975-1980. – up to 262-331 individuals (on average 290.3). Over the past 48 years (1940-1988), the number of wolves has decreased from 2500-3000 to about 800 individuals, ie, decreased by 3-3.5 times.

Species Information

Common Name: gray wolf
Latin Name: Canis lupus

Common Name:
Latin Name: Canis lupus lupus

Current Wolf Population, Trend, Status
Number of wolves: About 1,000, according to estimates from Luigi Boitani in 2003, cited in this paper
Population trend: Stable
Legal protection: No protection

This page was last updated in 2020.

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