The logs this week will all contain the same text… Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow. A spring snowstorm dumped nearly 30 inches of snow on the Ely area on Saturday and Sunday, leaving the wolf care staff to shovel, clean gates, blow snow, clean cameras, uncover heated waterers and pick up dead branches from trees that couldn’t support the weight of the wet snow. The wolves enjoyed the snow, although a few of the branches startled Maya. It’s not unusual for a spring snowstorm, but with temperatures usually in the 40’s and 50’s they go quickly. This time, the weather forecast doesn’t predict much above 40 degrees this week, and there are a few more days of snow predicted. Enjoy the webcams; I’m sure you will see the wolves romping through the snow.

Maya has been using the snow banks to get some good vantage points. She is often observed climbing on the largest banks, and just watching the action. She and Shadow continue to have some good social time, and despite the workout of maneuvering through the snow, Maya and Grizzer continue to wrestle as littermates. Today, during wolf care, when Malik was chasing Grizzer, they both ran right over Maya. She had a startled look on her face, and moved her resting spot, but she definitely will benefit from having a new female pup added to the pack.

Today Maya is 73 days old. She continues to be very calm and submissive towards people, and has no problems during programs. She has been climbing up on logs in the pen and attacking her packmates as they walk by.

Maya continues to have issues going into holding, when staff pressure washed the pond on Friday, she stayed out while the staff worked. She remained calm with the activity, but we need to start working on positive association with the pack holding area, so she will freely go into the area when the pup introduction occurs. Of course, the motivation of seeing the pups will likely draw her in, but we don't want her displaying anxiety with holding that may influence the pups response. After the pond cleaning, Maya and Grizzer scent rolled on the area where the pressure washer was located, and on the debris that was removed from the pond.

Grizzer and Maya are four years old today, May 5. It is hard to believe four years have gone by since we selected these pups to join the Exhibit Pack. When we first picked Maya, we nicknamed her groan, as she was very vocal as a pup. She’s still that vocal today, expressing any uncertainty or anxiety with a high pitched whine. Maya was included in the medical exam, as she has not had a blood draw since 2005 and our Vet Care Plan calls for blood work at least once in 3 years. She was a bit anxious about being separated from Shadow, but after her reversal, she immediately ran to him and greeted with a full face licking, submissive paw and facial rub on Shadow. You will see her doing the same thing prior to the Saturday night feeding in the video.

As you may already know, the pups arrived on site at 2 am on Saturday morning, May 10th. When the temperatures warmed a bit, wolf care staff, assisted by VCC student, Kristen Flowers took the pups outside to meet the adults. Maya and Shadow were the most excited to see the pups, with Maya intently whining toward the pups. Another noteable point is that on Sunday night's shift, Maya and Shadow slept on the side of the enclosure closest to the lab.

Maya is 63 days old today. Maya watched the arctics intentely and started whining at them. Maya is showing the most interest in the arctics on a consistent basis. Maya was trying to pull Grizzer out of the den in the late afternoon.She seemed to want him out so she could go in.

Today Maya is 64 days old. Maya was the target of a mob attack today. Nyssa and Grizzer drug her out of the den and chased her around the enclosure, dominating her.

Maya did well during program. She played tug-of-war with beaver tail with Grizz and was very vocal when he tried to take it from her-lots of growling. Maya enjoyed being outside. She rolled over and exposed her belly while greeting the arctics at the shared fenceline. She was wagging her tail rapidly and whined vigorously. She enjoyed attempting to dominate Grizz and Nyssa.

Groan seems to be sleeping more independently. She will get up and move off to an area by herself to sleep, away from Nubee and Grizz. She is chewing more vigorously on toys and shoes. She also displayed food caching behavior with an empty paper towel roll. Groan was very anxious during a special Girl Scout program this morning and wanted to get out. She may have been too hot in the pup pen due to the morning sun coming through the windows. Groan handled the introduction of the fan (for cooling) really well. Staff will now lower the shades in the auditorium to decrease morning sun. During the 11:00 program, Groan like Griz investigated the puppy pen. Groan seemed to seek out her littermates for comfort. Groan did well during most of the 1:00 program and was interested in the pine cone and chewing was on a log. Towards the end of the program, she she became anxious to get out and started putting her paws on the gate. Groan did well during the 3:00 program. She interacted with both Griz and Nubee. She attempted to paw at and chew the blue tarp on the floor. She became anxious at the end of the program when 20+ people entered.