The water dish in the main enclosure has been leaking and periodically freezing in the sub-zero temperatures (20 to 25 below zero). The arctics don't seem bothered by the cold, but the retired pack is less active. All wolves are bedding down in the straw provided by staff. The arctics are not as visible on the webcam since they spend most of their time bedded on the straw in or on the den.

Malik and Shadow have entered the season of dominance. Who's going to be the leader of their duo. There were no direct observations of their dominance, but you can hear them jaw sparring from the back of the enclosure. After they came to the front of the exhibit, Shadow was showing a raised tail, while Malik was showing a relaxed tail. Shadow then briefly was biting shrubs and small trees, generally something he does when he gets excited. Malik did a RLU (Raised Leg Urination as a sign of dominance), and then Shadow went to the same spot and did an RLU on top of Malik’s mark. This is something new, as Malik had been the only one demonstrating an RLU. Another new observation is that Shadow has been greeting at the same time Malik does, which up until a few weeks ago, Shadow would wait until Malik was done greeting, before he approached.

Malik is doing well. Staff have really noticed an improvement in his knee condition since we began his daily Cosequin treatment. He hasn't limped at all in the last several months. It is interesting to watch Malik's behavior towards Shadow. It's clear that Shadow is the more physically and behaviorally dominant, but Malik still likes to test him. Although, when Shadow gets too intense, Malik flattens his ears and runs up the hill. In this week's picture, Malik is very alert to the presence and mood of Shadow.

Program Specialist, Jen Westlund writes: " Today at about 2 PM the arctic's got a raven. I didn't see the actual situation of how they got it, but Shadow was on top of the raven guarding it from Malik. They rolled on it, ripped off some feathers and took it up the hill. A group of ravens followed the wolves and displayed a very intense distress call."

Feeding program tonight, Arctics were very hungry, Malik defended the beaver carcass from Shadow… Some intense interactions between Shadow and Malik lately."

Malik's first scent roll on a deer hide.

MALIK Weight: 23.5 lbs. Length: 41" Canines: 1/2" SHADOW Weight: 23.5 lbs. Length: 41" Canines: 1/2" Malik seems a bit uncoordinated and continues to work on his mobility and balancing skills. Shadow barked at Malik for the first time. Both pups are showing increased dominance towards each other at various stages. Malik and Shadow have individually gained eight pounds since the first of July. The wolf pups enjoy slices of frozen beaver tail and deer legs as a summertime treat.

Caroline S. David, DVM (pup nanny) writes: When the opportunity to become a nanny had presented itself, I jumped at the chance. Being a veterinarian, I hoped to further my education not only for my own pleasure, but to help my clients with their understanding of canid habits. My scientific interest was soon overtaken by the joy of watching these precious "furballs" who already have quite distinct personalities. Shadow is reserved and a bit shy. He has intense focus, though, and can usually outwit his brother into getting whatever object Malik may have. Malik is easy-going and easily distracted. I have nicknamed Malik "Mikhail Baryshnikov" due to his inability to maintain balance for too long – he doesn't quite know yet how to handle those enormous paws! I do not look forward to leaving, even if it means no more twelve hour days of laying in the dirt while dealing with hundreds of mosquitoes. I will treasure these memories and will always be grateful that, if only for a while, the wolves let me share part of their world.

VCC Wildlife Management student Larisa Skujins delivered meds to all wolves today. Larisa will be working as a student intern with the Center this summer, assisting with the pups, so gaining familiarity with the wolves will be important. Larisa is not going in with the wolves, but working from outside of the enclosure, delivering water, doing enclosure checks and meds. Today, Malik submissively rolled when greeting Larisa, this usually results in Shadow taking advantage of Malik; but today Shadow showed no aggression toward Malik.

Vet check on Malik's leg revealed tendon damage to the outer toe, causing discomfort and limping, which likely aggravated his ACL, giving the initial appearance of an ACL injury. Malik will continue to be monitored and regular physical exams will be conducted. At this time, it appears that he has no further discomfort, nor is limping.