Today Nyssa is 50 days old. Because of the warm weather, Nyssa was not very active today. She enjoyed chewing on a frozen blanket and sleeping in the den with Grizzer.

Nubee is exactly one month old today as she was born on May 12th. Of the three pups Nubee is the most aggressive despite her smaller size. She is consistenly growling, biting and standing over her littermates. Her feeding behavior over the last week has vastly improved as staff doesn't have to struggle to get her to feed as they did only days ago. During today's programs Nubee was stressed as well. Like the other pups she is fully aware of external disturbances such as loud noises inside the building. While she was in the outside puppy pen she explored the area as well as Malik and Shadow's den.

Today Grizzer is 51 days old. Grizzer has had several loose stools and one had a small amount of blood. He was also given a dewormer for roundworm. A pup nanny had bought several new toys which came in very handy to distract Grizz during the pup programs. He occupied himself throughout the entire 3:00 pm program with a squeeze toy and deer ear. Following the final program of the day the pups were brought out into the wolf yard where they had a chance to tug on a beaver carcass which will be fed to Malik and Shadow tomorrow. Grizzer showed classic wolf feeding behavior which included aggressively growling at his littermates while ripping and tearing at the carcass. Grizz has been dossal throughout most of the evening hours. Staff has been playing the soothing music of Pachelbel's Canon to provide a relaxing mood for the pups. Grizz's aggression towards the handlers has appeared to decline. Wolf care staff has been making a more concerted effort to turn Grizzer over in submission when he shows signs of aggression such as growling and biting wolf care staff.

Maya is 50 days old today. Throughout the early morning hours, Maya seemed very tired as she had slept throught most of the morning. Following one of the morning programs, the pups stopped over at a deer carcass which was thawing for the retired wolves. Maya was tugging at the deer's ears and had a few aggressive dominance interactions with Grizzer over posession of the carcass. Nyssa was also very aggressive with Maya around the deer carcass. Because of all the early morning excitement, the pups slept a great deal during the afternoon hours. As the pups get older, they become harder to measure. A pups weight is much more indicative of health than body length. To avoid negatively conditioning them to the process, Staff decided to measure body lengths on Mondays and Thursdays only and weigh once a day on the night shift.

Today Nyssa is 46 days. She has been greeting the arctics at the shared fenceline, she was whining with tucked tail and then she ran to staff for comfort/reassurance. Nyssa did well in the 11 am program. She was kept occupied with pig ear during presentation and then fell asleep for rest of program. At the 1 pm program, Nyssa was anxious throughout the entire program. It may have been due to the heat in the auditorium. She was distracted momentarily with a beaver tail, fruit, and pig ear. Nyssa has been exploring the overnight pup kennel. She has been sleeping and lying in the dogloo. It should be cautioned that Nyssa can crawl underneath the overnight kennel doors. Nyssa slept throughout most of the 3 pm program. She has been reacting with fear when introduced to new people, either nannies or staff. She growled at a new nanny, she did not wanted to get close to the gate and greet. Ears were flat back and tail tucked.

Today Grizz is 54 days old. Staff began socialization to pen work, wheelbarrows and weedeaters. Grizz was nervously pacing when large numbers of people entered the pen,and he actually tried to climb the enclosure wall to escape the outdoor puppy pen. They didn't seem to be afraid of the wheelbarrow, but all were fearful when the rocks were dumped from the wheelbarrow. But Grizzer was more relaxed when one staff member was running the weedeater. She came into the pen and left the weedeater running outside, all the pups came over to her. We're keeping a wet blanket in the freezer and bringing it out for programs, now that the temperatures are warmer. It seems to cool Grizzer when he gets over heated and Maya likes to chew on it, especially when she's teething. All pups have done extremely well during the 11 and 1 pm programs. Grizz was very relaxed during program even with crowd noises (baby crying and people leaving early). Grizz seemed a little anxious initially while out in the outside puppy. He exhibited some pacing and he isolated himself from the nannies and littermates, but he eventually came over and laid down next to the nannies and littermates. When the whole nanny group came out after dinner Grizz didn't come and greet the people, but he also didn't seem stressed. He basically laid where he was and watched the scene from near their pond.

Groan is 37 days old today. Groan showed stressed behavior when staff brought her back into the puppy pen following pen cleaning. She was whining, howling and pacing. It took about twenty minutes to calm her down. Groan was very stressed when we brought the pups into the auditorium during pen cleaning. When the pups went into the outside puppy pen Groan did lots of exploring and greeted both Malik and Shadow with excited tail wagging. When staff brought her back inside she seemed very "unhappy". Like Grizz, Groan was very anxious during morning programs. Groan was whining and pacing throughout the programs and staff pulled the pups from the program after ten minutes.

Groan is 38 days old today. Recently her aggressive behavior towards Nubee has declined and in fact her and Nubee are often seen sleeping together. Like her littermates, Groan was somewhat stressed during today's programs. Often a beaver tail accompanied with other distactions are enough to keep them entertained during programs, but it does not always work. When she was in the outside puppy pen she was explorative and investigated Malik and Shadow's den. Pen cleaning seems to be particularly stressful on Groan. When she is released back into the pen following cleaning she paces and whines for about 15 to 20 minutes. Staff thinks she has an increasing desire to be in the outside puppy pen where she can maintain contact with Malik and Shadow.

Grizz was very anxious and distressed most of the morning-was panting, whining, and howling while pacing the enclosure looking for a way out. Gave him ice cubes and water, which he lapped out of the bowl. It didn't calm him down too much. We then put water in plastic sled for him to play in. He went in water but was still whining and anxious. Lab was warm so he may have been hot. We took pups to outdoor pup pen after program. Grizz ran around and explored the pen. He went into the den and dug some dirt out. He laid in den with Nubee. Went to shared fenceline and whined to Shadow & Malik. Malik brought piece of beaver near the fence and put it down. Grizz was very tired after romping in the pup pen and was not interested in eating at noon.

Groan was chasing after Grizz when he ran away with the beaver tail. Both Grizz and Groan are improving in their running coordination.Groan was very anxious and made continued attempts to climb out of the bucket, bag, and sling, therefore could not get an accurate weight. Groan became anxious and started whining, howling, and panting. Gave her ice water, which she lapped out of the bowl, and ice cubes, which she licked. Also put a sled with water into the pen. She climbed in it and urinated in the water. She appeared to enjoy walking in it and splashing it with her paws. Groan was very anxious during program and constantly whined and climbed on gate to get out. Was not able to be distracted with stimulus items. Groan did well during most of the next program and engaged in tug-of-war with Grizz with a beaver tail. She explored pup pen and appeared relaxed and at ease. Half way through her feeding Groan got the hiccups and then quit feeding.