As you may already know, the pups arrived on site at 2 am on Saturday morning, May 10th. When the temperatures warmed a bit, wolf care staff, assisted by VCC student, Kristen Flowers took the pups outside to meet the adults. Maya and Shadow were the most excited to see the pups, with Maya intently whining toward the pups. Another noteable point is that on Sunday night's shift, Maya and Shadow slept on the side of the enclosure closest to the lab.

The pups are 17 days old today. Here are some notes from the Observation Logs. <br> <br> 12:20 am – Woke from deep sleep to sound of Jess's motorcycle, stood up, walked around then curled up and fell asleep <br> <br> 9:10 am – Staff brought pine boughs, birch log and cedar log into pup pen. Pup explored and sniffed the new items. Both pups laid down underneath the branches for several minutes. <br> <br> 4:50 pm – Startled when Sherry Johnson went to pet him while in den box. Pup whipped around and snapped at her hand. The Pup sought comfort in Joanne. <br> <br> 10:00 pm – Voracious suckling on bottle. If he released the bottle he voraciously sought a finger or fabric to suckle until the bottle was placed back into his mouth. However, actual feeding seemed slower than previous feedings. Pup whined while latched onto bottle. <br> <br> The concern about feeding issues is critical, a pup at this age, can’t afford to waste energy struggling with the bottle, they may get worn out and fall asleep before they get the nutrients they need to grow. Weights of the pups are conducted every morning, to ensure that we continue to have the daily weight gain desired. The pups are consuming about 14 – 20 ounces of formula every day. The video you are seeing shows the pups in a dominance display, with Pup # 2 using a squash technique to assert status, followed by a genital sniff. The audio clip includes the pups whining in response to the adult wolves howling bout.

Data recorded through the last 24 hours included: <br>3:37 am – Took 30 seconds to lock on to nipple. Then voracious feeder. Post feeding, climbed on top of stuffed wolf for additional suckling. <br> <br>5:01 am – Growled and barked during sleep. The two pups are sleeping together with stuffed wolf. <br> <br>6:15 am – Slow to latch on to bottle, wanted nipple rubbed on gums. Upper canines and front incisors have emerged. <br><br> 6:30 pm – Head shake on stuffed wolf and displayed a little howling when the video editing camera was downloading data of the Exhibit Pack howling. <br><br>Play behavior is increasing in intensity as mobility is improving on both pups. This dominance behavior is inherent to wolves, and they will continue to alternate dominance postures throughout their juvenile stage until one pup clearly becomes dominant. At this time, the higher ranking pup is usually the one who wakes up first. Pup #1 did a head shake on pup # 2 while pup # 2 was sleeping. <br><br> I'd like to comment briefly on some of the audio being posted. Prior to the pups full hearing development (18 – 20 days of age), moans are the most common pup sound, and will decline as they get older. Pups moan while nursing, asleep or resting. Researchers suggest that that moans may be a passive consequence of respiration, but that they are also likely to provide a continual signal to the mother in a dark den. The moan doesn't elicit a response from the mother, but an absence of moaning may indicate something is wrong. Whining is higher pitched than moaning, and is often associated with a discomfort or desire, such as the need to feed, be warm, socially interact or escape. Squeaking is usually developed after 15 days of age, and by week 4, is the most common sound in the pups vocalizations. <br><br> The audio sound you are hearing is Pup # 1 responding to the video tape download of the Exhibit Pack howling.

As you may already know, the pups arrived on site at 2 am on Saturday morning, May 10th. When the temperatures warmed a bit, wolf care staff, assisted by VCC student, Kristen Flowers took the pups outside to meet the adults. Malik initially showed interest in the pups, but then, he focused on Grizzer who was a bit preoccupied with the pups. When staff brought the pups blanket in for the Exhibit Pack to investigate, all wolves but Malik sniffed the blanket. Malik tried to grab it from our hands.

The pups are 17 days old today. Here are some notes from the observation data sheets: <br> <br> 12:20 am – Woke from deep sleep to sound of Jess's motorcycle, stood up, walked around then curled up and fell asleep <br> <br> 3:39 am – Discovered bad nipple- excessive flow caused Pup # 1 to aspirate and refuse to feed, changed nipple, note to staff…always check flow before feeding <br> <br> 10:24 – After much shopping and testing, Playtex Drop In "Variable Nipple" seems to be working. <br> <br> 3:10 am – Took bottle well w/ "Variable Nipple" No coughing. <br> <br> The bottom incisors have erupted on both pups, the pups have begun to start the jaw sparring behavior, which includes wide open mouths, grabbing back and forth with their heads turning at an angle. Pup # 1 was a bit shy when he first arrived, crawling to the corner and trying to escape people. Since the socialization process began, he has now become accustomed to handlers and seeks them out to sleep on laps. It is noted that when he lies on someone’s lap, he submits without stimulus. If the human moves, he throws up his head to reposition himself on his back. The video you see for Pup # 1 today is shows him investigating some branches and logs brought into the pen today for stimulus. It is critical that the pups begin to associate the smell of the adults, so we gathered items from the Exhibit Pack enclosure. The audio clip demonstrates the struggle we face when bottle feeding, it’s a case of the hiccups. It is critical to get the right flow, and reduce the air consumed when the pups feed, they can get over excited about the feeding and aspirate fluid in their lungs which is very serious or get the hiccups, which is uncomfortable.

Red Paw is 19 days old today and is really starting to show more coordination and more active interactions, rather than the passive receiver of Attila’s dominance. After eating, he is actively biting hands, clothes, logs, anything that will help relieve the pain of teething. One new behavior observed was food begging behavior, prior to a bottle feeding Red Paw was licking the sides of Attila’s face. Physically, his snout is elongating and his ears are showing more signs of being pointed and held upright, but the ears don’t stay up for long. We do see more evidence of their hearing improving. Unfortunately, it’s in the form of fear behavior. Red Paw was startled by the gate and ran and hid in the corner. We have a lot of socialization work to do with this pup. Although, later in the morning, when the staff brought Lakota into the garage after foot surgery (details of this will be posted in Lakota’s log on Monday), Red Paw sat alert at the gate sniffing the air. Curator, Lori Schmidt let Red Paw out and he followed her into the garage, sniffed some more, then took a tour of the lab. He found the pup toy box, played with the football, went under the desk, explored the cabinets, and then went back into the pup pen.

As you may already know, the pups arrived on site at 2 am on Saturday morning, May 10th. When the temperatures warmed a bit, wolf care staff, assisted by VCC student, Kristen Flowers took the pups outside to meet the adults. Shadow was very excited to see the pups, and while no wolf regurgitated for the pups, Shadow can be observed licking with increased salivation, generally an indication of some stimuli. Shadow and Maya were sleeping near the wolf lab last evening.

Red Paw is 20 days old today and has been showing more coordination, and has been stimulated by the presence of the logs and branches, stimulating the chewing response to alleviate the discomfort of teething. Red Paw is taking the initiative to dominant Attila while he’s sleeping, but as soon as Attila wakes up; it’s a one on one match. The most noteworthy behaviors that have happened in the last 24-hours include a full body shake, a hop and a little run of excitement. While Lakota is recovering from surgery, we have the door open to the garage. It’s a bit cooler in the garage, and we want to make sure Lakota stays warm. This has been a source of interest to Red Paw; he bobs his head while scenting the cool air coming from the garage. There has been an increase in social behavior and we are seeing tail wagging during these interactions. This is new, as muscle control of the tail is still developing. The top canines are definitely coming through and could be a reason for slightly diminished weight gain in the past 24 hours. His ears are held erect more often, but they still return to the folded down position at times and are not permanently erect yet. Red Paw continues to be a healthy eater, and a calm pup for staff to work with. He willingly rolls on his back and presents his belly.

Nyssa is 86 days old today. Her food consumption seems to be better than the other pups. She frequently eats 3 cups of food per meal, twice a day. Her daily meals combined with extra venison from deer legs during programs translated into 3 – 4 lbs of food per day. Not bad for a wolf that only weighs a little under 35 lbs.

Pup #1 has been temporarily nicknamed Redpaw and is 18 days old today. We look forward to the name the pup contest and hope people are following the logs to get a sense of the pup’s behaviors and personality. We nicknamed pup # 1 Redpaw since we used red finger nail polish on his front left paw to help ID him. It is critical that there are no misidentifications when it comes to food consumption, so we try to distinguish the pups in some way to be certain that we record data accurately, especially when staff are tired and have been on a long shift. Redpaw is the largest pup as you can see by his growth rate, he is a robust healthy pup. He is also extremely calm, and while he had some anxiety and avoidance of people in the first few days of socialization, he now is comfortable with approaching people and seeking interaction. He is most know for resting on his back and enjoying the comforts of staff blankets and pillows. Since we brought the logs and branches in, he likes to burrow under them and sleep. He’s also very determined, if something is in his way, rather than go around it, he plows right through it. We brought him a tuff of Shadow’s hair today, and he was very stimulated when he smelled it. As far as pup management, we are still struggling with the right flow of the formula from the bottle. We have tried several brands, even the models that were preferred by the 2004 litter don’t seem to be favored by these pups. If the pups struggle with the flow of the nipple, they expend a lot of energy that should be going into growing, get worn out and don’t feed. A flow to fast can result in pups aspirating formula, too slow and they give up. There were some issues with the shifts last night, but with perseverance and patience, Redpaw did consume nearly 25 ounces of formula in 24 hours. This compares with 13 ounces when he was 13 days old. The pups had their first outdoor session in the sun today while the pen was being cleaned.