Today Maya is 55 days old. Unlike Grizzer, Maya has been displaying very positive behavior towards unfamiliar stimuli such as large crowds and weedeaters. When the pup nannies are with the pups in the outside pen Maya often sleeps nearby and she enjoys a good belly scratch. Maya also tends to do very well during pup 101 programs in the International Wolf Center's auditorium. During the program she either sleeps or is interacting with her littermates. Maya's behavior also tends to dictate Nyssa's behavior. When Maya responds negatively to a given stimulus than Nyssa becomes bothered as well.

Today Nyssa is 48 days old. Nyssa remains to be a very aggressive pup with her littermates. When she interacts with them she is often the aggressor. To date Nyssa has yet to high stress levels during pup programs. She is readily able to distract herself by either interacting with her littermates or playing with the various chew toys staff provides. When Nyssa greets her human caretakers she often runs up to the them with a wagging tail and gives them a facial licking while rolling over on her belly. This type of a greeting which Nyssa displays is an ideal social greeting with wolf care staff. Nyssa is the most responsive to the nurturing whines of Malik and Shadow. When the two arctic wolves come over to the puppy pen fence Nyssa runs over to greet them with lots of enthusiasm. Today, however, the weather was a little warm and humid so Nyssa spent most of her time outside sleeping on the cool soil under a balsm tree.

Today Grizzer is 82 days old. Grizz, when compared to Shadow and Malik at 82 days old age, is 4 and 5 pounds heavier, respectively. Today was very warm, so Grizzer was not too active. However, as he was lying down, he began to poke his nose into the end of a pipe that was attached to the fence and took a deep breath, investigating the new smell. He continued his investigation for several minutes before dropping his head down and falling asleep.

Today Grizzer is 86 days old. This morning he was observed digging a new hole in the enclosure and attempting to defend it from Nyssa and Maya. Grizzer did exceptionally well at the 11:00 Pup 101. He stayed the entire time without showing signs of anxiety.

Today Nyssa is 43 days old. Like her littermates, Nyssa was very tired and sleepy after playing inthe outdoor pen. She was also rather calm throughout today's programs. When she and her littermates were outside, they stopped by a thawed deer carcass and proceded to chew and gnaw on it. This seemed to trigger their appetite, as they consumed down their weaning formula in a matter of minutes. Nyssa was very aggressive around her littermates and defended the carcass from Maya with ferocity. While Nyssa was in the outside puppy pen, she became very excited when Malik and Shadow were fed deer bones.

Today Maya is 54 days old. Staff began socialization to pen work, wheelbarrows and weedeaters. Maya was very curious about the project and was the least fearful of all the pups. But, Maya became more stressed when the weedeater was running. Maya was very good during programs as she slept throughout most of it. When the nanny group came to the outside puppy pen after dinner, Maya came running up to the group at the fence, greeted them, and rolled over directly in front of all of them. She stayed up with the nannies throughout the whole visit. She exhibited food caching behavior by putting it behind a rock and attempting to pull the dog bed over it.

Today Grizzer is 59 days old. Grizzer has been showing a lot of aggression towards nannies and staff today, growling and snapping at them when touched. Staff must endevour to work with Grizz to discourage and prevent this kind of behavior in the future.

Today Maya is 66 days old. Maya continues to be calm and sedate during programs, and chews on deer legs and ice chunks. During the passing thunderstorm in the evening, Maya seemed unphased and slept in the dogloo throughout the night.

Today Grizzer is 56 days old. Outside, Grizz did not seem intimidated by anything: the wolves howled, the wheel barrow went by to dump hay. He explored the pond, chasing the beetles off the rocks and wading in the water. He played an energetic game of chase over a pig's ear, often in the lead. During the programs Grizzer had some moments where he was anxious and was eager to get out of the pen, but then was also calm and willing to spend the program chewing on deer hide or a pigs ear. Staff and nannies continue in their efforts to help Grizz work through his fear issues.

Today Maya is 56 days old. Upon entering the outside pen, Maya went to the fence and rolled over in front of Shadow. Maya played chase with Grizz and Nyssa and seemed very energetic. Maya has been very active in playing with her packmates and continues to be very friendly toward staff and nannies. Maya did excellent during the programs. She tried to take away a deer ear from both Grizzer and Nyssa, but was not able to control them. She laid down between Nyssa and Grizzer and rolled on her back, playfully pawing at Nyssa and making small whining growls.