Maya is 49 days old today. When music was introduced to the pups to provide a calming effect she seemeed particularly attuned to changes in the music's pitch and rythm. Maya is very sensitive when people walk in and out of the wolf lab. She tends to get very excited and paces around for several minutes before calming down. She also had a very good greeting with the arctics. Maya crouched down low in a groveling stance and flat ears. While whining, she crept toward the artics, who had raised tails and high ears. She also rolled over submissively. Maya seems to be targeting Nyssa during domination attempts while in the outside puppy pen.

Today Grizzer is 50 days old. Grizzer was a little anxious while the puppy pen was being cleaned during the early morning shift, but he quickly calmed down. Following a rough morning program, the puppies stopped by a deer carcass thawing for the retired wolves. Grizz sat on top of the deer and began plucking hair. Interest in the deer lasted well over 40 minutes. Following the 3:00 pm pup program, Grizzer and his littermates went to the outside puppy pen. They romped around for a little while and then fell asleep for several hours. Grizz also has a slight case of diarrhea. Grizzer has been treated for tape worms and staff are still monitoring his stools after treatment. Staff have also noticed a bit of fear avoidance behavior toward the weighing bucket. As the pups get older, they become harder to measure. A pup's weight is much more indicative of health than body length. To avoid negatively conditioning them to the process, Staff decided to measure body lengths on Mondays and Thursdays only and weigh once a day on the night shift.

Today Maya is 51 days old. Maya has been particularly interested in the new chew toys presented to the pups today. She has been playing tug of war with her littermates, chewing on it as well as running after it. During the 3:00 pm program Maya and Nyssa were repeatedly displaying aggressive interactions with one another. It was a great opportunity for the audience to see these intense aggressive interactions which wolves display while competing for food resources. When the pups went outside Maya and Nyssa continued to compete for posession of a beaver carcass. Maya and her littermates slept through most of the evening hours following an exciting day of romping on the beaver carcass and playing in the outside puppy for two hours.

Today Maya is 57 days old. Because of the warm weather, Maya was not very active today. She was occupied while she was awake with a deer ear.

Today Grizzer is 71 days old. He did well in the programs, playing with Maya and chewing on ice. He put up no protest when being taken out of the pen at the end of the program. He also seemed more affectionate towards both staff and nannies in general. Upon returning to the pup pen he dug up some cached food and ate it.

Today Maya is 71 days old. She did well during the programs, either chewing on deer hide or playing with Grizzer. When she fell asleep during one of the programs she didn't object to being moved by a nanny. Lately she has needed some prodding before she wants to eat, and has been caching a considerable amount of her food.

Today Grizz is 52 days old. He has been showing increasing aggressive behaviors towards staff and nannies when he does not want to be handled. When he was put in a submisive posture, Maya came and dominated him. Grizzer's behavior indicates that he wants to be outdoors. He will whine and attempt to climb on the gate when he wants to go out. When taken out to the outdoor pup pen today, he ran around, explored, and greeted the arctics vigorously. During the Pup 101 program at 11:00a.m., Grizz did well and was kept occupied by a beaver tail. He chewed on the beaver tail for the entirety of the program. Grizz's appetite was very good at his 2:00p.m. feeding; he consumed 1 cup of food within a matter of minutes. Grizz exhibited the first incident of food caching behavior. He took a piece of venison mix from his feeding bowl and ran around the outdoor pup pen with it in his mouth. When he was out of sight of Maya & Nyssa, he cached the venison mix in a small depression and covered it over with dirt, using his nose and paws.

Today Nyssa is 45 days old. Nyssa has been much more active and dominant over her packmates. She is observed frequently running, stalking, and pouncing on Grizzer and Maya. She often initiates dominance interactions by biting and standing over them. She has also exhibited predatory head-shaking behaviors with toys, food, and her packmates. Nyssa spent most of the morning in the outdoor pup pen. She ran around, explored, and greeted the arctics vigorously. Nyssa did well in the 11:00a.m. program and chewed on a pig ear. During the afternoon program, Nyssa was anxious and wanted to get out. She chewed pig ear for a few minutes and then went to the gate to try to get out. Nyssa's appetite was very good today; she was very hungry and consumed her food in a matter of minutes. She continues to be very gentle and affectionate with staff and nannies.

Nyssa is 39 days old today. Nyssa has been doing very well during programs. During the program she occupies her time with social interactions with her littermates, playing with toys and sleeping. When she was brought to the outside pup pen following the afternoon program she did lots of romping around. She also greeted the arctics with play bows and a wagging tail. Also, while she is in the outside puppy pen she spends a great deal of time chasing Maya and Grizz. Nyssa's mobility isn't quite as tuned as Grizz and Maya, but she makes up for it with determination. She is very gentle when greeting the staff, but very aggressive when interacting with her littermates.

Nyssa is 40 days old today. Her coordination is improving daily, as well as her stamina. Her facial features are taking on more wolf characteristics, with the elongation of her muzzle. Nyssa is doing well during the Pup 101 programs and is occupied with various stimulus items such as a rubber Kong (a dog toy) stuffed with ground venison, pig ears, and beaver tails & feet. Nyssa's attempts to dominate Grizz and Maya have increased in frequency and intensity. During many of these attempts she will stand over Grizz and/or Maya. She is very vocal in her displeasure when they try to dominate her. Nyssa has been seeking them out to initiate dominance attempts. When in the outdoor pup pen, she greets the arctics with play bows and a wagging tail. She has been seeking out the den to crawl into and will fall asleep in it. Though Nyssa has been aggressive with Grizz and Maya, she is very gentle with staff and nannies and greets them enthusiastically. Nyssa is still receiving the bottle in addition to weaning formula during mealtimes.