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258 search results for: Howling


shadow – Feb 22, 2006 12:00 AM

Shadow seems to be having a great winter. Not only does he enjoy the snow by pushing his nose in the fresh fallen snow doing a behavior we call the snowplow, but he frequently grabs hides, sticks or bones and throws them up in the air for Grizzer or Maya to chase. He's been great […]


grizzer – Jan 2, 2006 12:00 AM

The weather has been extremely mild this winter, with daily temperatures generally between 20 – 30 degrees farenheit. This has impacted the hunger levels of the wolves, leaving a lot of left over carcasses in the enclosure. With the extra meat, scavengers such as nuthatches, chickadees and ravens have been plentiful. Grizzer continues to be […]


shadow – Jun 4, 2006 12:00 AM

Shadow survived another program in the wolf yard. This past weekend, we held our first Wolves at Two years program. The group did some work in the pack holding area, removing some hardware cloth that became a safety hazard for the wolves. Participants also assisted with the pond cleaning, a less than desirable job in […]


shadow – Jan 2, 2006 12:00 AM

Shadow is clearly the leader of this pack. He is the one Maya runs to when there's howling, Grizzer follows him when chasing Malik and he is first to defend his territory from unfamilar visitors, both wolf and human. He has been actively defending the upper enclosure, pacing along the top fence line at what? […]


shadow – Jan 16, 2006 12:00 AM

The pack exhibited many howling episodes this week. Most seemed directed toward the back of the main enclosure, where staff have noticed tracks from several species of wildlife in recent weeks. Shadow initiated most of these howls, and staff noticed a couple of occasions where Shadow was not able to get the rest of the […]


grizzer – Dec 26, 2005 12:00 AM

The wolves are doing well over the Christmas Holidays. Curator Lori Schmidt has been in every day checking on them and they had a full deer carcass on Christmas Eve to keep them well fed during the holiday, when limited staff are on site. Grizzer has been very active lately instigating the pack to chase […]


malik – Jan 2, 2006 12:00 AM

Malik is doing well, still trying to act dominant with Shadow and still getting chased up the hill by Shadow and Grizzer. Interactions have been much calmer than previously anticipated, most likely due to the warm weather. There is one winter issue that is on the minds of wolf care staff. Shadow seems to take […]


shadow – Oct 30, 2005 12:00 AM

This week's wolf logs were written by program participants in the 10/28-10/30/05 weekend program called "Working for Wolves", in which participants performed enclosure enrichment and maintenance projects in both the Retired and Exhibit enclosures. Written by Jill Badyrka and Tom Skorupinski: Shadow's weekend was interrupted by the Working for Wolves program, in which participants entered […]


shadow – Aug 21, 2006 12:00 AM

Shadow has been starting many howling bouts lately. We're not always sure of the stimulus, but he seems to take the lead on the top of the hill staring off in a distance beyond the enclosure walls. As I'm typing this, he started the third round of howling today.