To come together after a howl or after a period of rest. Several behaviors may be occurring, such as greeting, tail wagging and sometimes mild aggression.
The wolf ethogram behavior cards are listed in alphabetical order on every page. Each card includes a photo demonstrating the behavior, its name, and the code or abbreviation on the front. Hover your mouse over the picture to “flip” the card to see the back and learn about the behavior category and definition.
As you watch the live cams, you may see certain behaviors more frequently. The 20 most commonly seen behaviors are marked with an asterisk.
Download our ethogram worksheets and practice tracking wolf behaviors while viewing the Live Wolf Cams
Portrait Wolf Ethogram Worksheet | Landscape Wolf Ethogram Worksheet
To bring undigested food up from the stomach to the mouth, most commonly stimulated by puppies. This can occur by visual stimulation or active stimulation, such as by puppies performing the food beg behavior, but it can also occur when adult wolves regurgitate after a big meal or when they consume too fast or too large of a piece of meat.
When encountering an odor, the wolf puts its nose into the smell, then slides down onto the shoulder, then onto one flank through the smell. Unique to canids, it is thought to be a means of communicating the scent back to the rest of the pack or marking the scent.
The dominant wolf initiates the submissive behavior in the subdominant, often growling or snarling to make the subdominant lie down, roll over on its back, flatten its ears and raise a hind leg for inguinal presentation. The dominant wolf often will stand over the submissive wolf and snarl or execute an inhibited bite.
The International Wolf Center uses science-based education to teach and inspire the world about wolves, their ecology, and the wolf-human relationship.