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Bosnia and Herzegovina at a glance
Bosnia and Herzegovina has much available wolf habitat, however prey populations cannot support wolves in all areas. Main prey for wolves here are ungulates and domestic livestock.
This research paper from 2019 says: Wolves from Bosnia and Herzegovina have been insufficiently explored in the past. Recently, comprehensive genetic analyses, via microsatellites and mtDNA molecular markers, were conducted with the aim of determining genetic variability, the estimation of population structure and of levels of gene flow and inbreeding, evaluation of genetic signals of a bottleneck, and detection of mtDNA haplotypes. Field monitoring, via the use of photo traps, has also been implemented with the aim of detecting wolves’ presence at specific localities across Bosnia and Herzegovina and to draw conclusions about their behaviour and abundance.
Species Information
Common Name: gray wolf
Latin Name: Canis lupus
Common Name:
Latin Name: Canis lupus lupus
Current Wolf Population, Trend, Status
Number of wolves: About 600
Year of most recent census: 2006
Population trend: Stable/Increasing slightly
Legal protection: The wolf is a game species in parts of the region (protected elsewhere)
This page was last updated in 2020
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