MALIK: Weight: 25.5 lbs. Length: 45.0" Canines: 1/2" SHADOW: Weight: 26.0 lbs. Length: 45.6" Canines: 1/2" Observations noted -Shadow is showing more fear towards loud noises (LS) -Lucas and Mackenzie played near pup pen and both pups retreated with a tucked tail -Both pups are still enjoying the use of a moose leg during auditorium presentations -Malik continues to exhibit caching behaviors, burying bones and other foods underneath the soil for later use -Noted increased dexterity and coordination in both pups -Noticed Shadow performing a full head shake with a deer hide in his mouth -The pups seem much more aggressive with each other when food is involved -Both pups now have 28 teeth One morning I noticed Lakota standing beside the pups, seperated by a fence, whining for thirty minutes straight

Info Specialist, Amy Jacobs, will be leaving the Center for New Zealand early next month. She had just begun wolf care and was responsible for Meds at least once a week. Amy writes: "Shadow ate Malik's vitamin today; retired wolves received meds and everyone's ok. Shadow's nice to me now that he knows I'm leaving.

Med's to all, all wolves look good and no noticeable aggression between the males. Since Lakota and Mackenzie's removal, Shadow has been much more receptive to staff contact and much more interested in greeting. When MacKenzie was in the pack, she would intensively dominate Shadow if he approached her or certain staff. Shadow appears much more relaxed without that continual dominance, but Lucas still seems to go after Shadow more than Malik and Shadow appears to be more reluctant to accept the dominance from Lucas"

Staff continue to notice Shadow's social behavior increasing. He's been observed in several play bouts with the pups, and is more inclined to greet staff. If only Malik would get the word that it's time to put the winter aggression aside and start the friendly days of spring.

The new program called Canine Cousins began this month and 2 Canadian Inuit sled dog pups are on loan from Paul Schurke (Wintergreen Adventures. The pups are staying on site from Monday through Friday. The wolves have a lot of interest in them, but more interesting is the response of the Arctic's. Shadow shows more whining and nurturing behavior towards the pups where Malik shows much more aggressive tendencies. The same thing is true for Shadow's response to the Curator's dog Jake. Shadow shows a slight tail wag toward Jake and Malik stalks him, jumps at the fence and appears to be the only wolf that shows a negative response to Jake.

Note to Public: Shadow's behavior and his attempt to intimidate MacKenzie is natural wolf behavior. Lower status members often look for opportunities to move up in the pack structure especially if the higher ranking pack members show weakness with age. In the wild, this behavior serves to keep the pack healthy and strong, under good leadership. The issue facing the International Wolf Center staff is how to manage this normal wolf behavior in a captive environment. The management of the captive wolf pack includes making decisions in the best interest of the pack, as well as the individual wolf. There is a fine balance to be maintained.

Yearlings placed in holding pen for their daily vitamins, upon their release, Lucas and Mackenzie was aggressively dominating Shadow. Shadow was growling and snarling and with his tail tucked the entire time. Mackenzie had her tail low and tucked when Shadow snapped at her. Mackenzie and Lucas continued dominance.

Shadow was moved to the pack holding area at 6:30 a.m due to a bite wound to MacKenzie and aggressive behavior on his part. The goal in removing Shadow from the pack to the holding area, was to allow MacKenzie time to recover psychologically from the intimidation inflicted by Shadow and Malik. This move may allow her to manage Shadow with more confidence when he's released and allows the Center management team to discuss the current aggression toward Mackenzie. Shadow's move to the holding enclosure was without incident. Shadow's demeanor in isolation was relaxed, ears forward, he demonstrated interest in the activity around his enclosure. He enjoyed a bath when the tub was filled with water. No distress noted.

All but Shadow brushed, wolves are really starting to shed. All but one of Shadow's ears received fly ointment. CVC to all, Mackenzie's eye looks irritated and is walking around with it shut.

Intern Susan Ely wrote "Shadow kept chasing Mackenzie around during my Wolf 101 program. He didn't bite her or growl but her tails was tucked and she was crouched running from him. After Shadow went back to the woods, Mac walked from the corner past the windows to the gate. She was crouched, tail tucked, ears down looking around. Later on, Shadow stalked her again. When I left at 5 pm, she was in the corner and none of the Arctics were in sight. She was napping."