Today Grizzer is 66 days old. He has been doing better during programs, but still shows signs of anxiousness when people move or leave early. He has been spending a lot of time sleeping in his den. During the evening, a thunderstorm passed, but Grizzer did not seem phased by it at all and slept in the dogloo throughout the night.(a zero weight means they were too active to be accurately weighed)

Grizzer is 70 days old today. Again, he was too active to accurately weigh and measure, hence the zero data columns. Grizzer overheats more easily than his littermates, he often overheats and requires methods of cooling. These methods include: Deer hair popsicles, frozen fleece blankets, digging in the dirt, big (5 gallon pail big) ice cubes and his favorite pond.

Grizz is 73 days old today. Grizz spent most of the day inside the den, sleeping or resting. He growled at Maya when she attempted to enter, but as soon as he went to get a drink Maya jumped into the den. Grizz growled and jaw sparred with her, but in the end laid down under some trees and fell asleep. He has been showing a lot of anxiety during programs, and has become very sensitive to noise and movement in the crowd.

Today Grizz is 74 days old. Grizz greeted the staff well today, and tried to playfully bite at clothing. However, whenever he did, Nyssa would growl and dominate him. Grizz seems to have less aggression towards nannies, but continues to have problems when being woken up. During the heat of the day, staff have been bringing the puppies into the lab to escape the heat. Grizz seems to calm down and dig in the 'toy' box. He found a paper bag that he played with for a while before he crawled under a desk and fell asleep.

Today Grizz is 75 days old. Grizz continues to have problems in the Pup 101 programs. He seems to react negatively when he hears children crying. Staff now let him walk in and out of the auditorium at his own discretion, attempting to build his comfort level with the crowd. Because of the heat, Grizz has been taking dips in the pool that is in the pup pen. He stands in the water, splashes around a bit, and then goes to lay down in some dirt.

Today Grizzer is 78 days old. He found the wheelbarrow full of rocks experience to be interesting, although he stayed out of the way for the first few loads, until he saw his sister, Maya, climb into the barrow on top of the rocks. He climbed up too and checked his footing before jumping out. Satisfied that he wasn't totally outdone by Maya, he took a nap. No weight for him today

Today Grizz is 79 days old. Grizzer growled and nipped at being woken up for the program, but willingly walked into the pup pen. He chewed for a little while on some venison meat, but then became impatient with being in the pen. He scratched and climbed once and was distracted for a moment and paced, eyeing the audience nervously. Then after climbing again, nannies removed him to the side door. He continued to check back in with the audience, whining and eyeing his sisters for remainder of program. Once outside, he was anxious and whining again to get into the enclosure while the weedeater whined too in the distance. Once in the enclosure, he settled down and konked out. Being "on" for two presentations in a row is tough on the man of the pup pack!

Today Grizzer is 80 days old. Grizzer was submissive while around other people. During a special pup program, Grizz seemed rather comfortable being around people he had never met. He spent most of the time during the special program chasing his littermates and playing with toys. On several occasions he did nip at staff, but he then quickly submitted and allowed staff to stratch his belly. Kristin Radermacher, a pup nanny from early June, came to visit and Grizzer became very excited when he saw her. He was following her around the pen and during the feeding, he seemed to prefer to be fed by her.

Today Grizz is 64 days old. Grizzer very responsive to arctics through the fence. The arctics were running through their enclosure and Grizzer pawed at fenceline. Malik and Shadow came to puppies after a bout of running and Shadow vomitted. It could have been due to physical activity or puppies. Due to the warm temperatures, Grizz has been sleeping in the den for most of the day.

Grizzer is 83 days old today. He became somewhat anxious during the 1 p.m. program, jumping at the fence despite attempts to distract him with a deer leg, so he was allowed to walk around outside the building while the door to the auditorium was held open. He took a few glances indoors, walked around outside, then walked back into the auditorium, calmly walked straight back into the indoor pen, and began chewing on the deer leg.