Grizzer has a pattern of getting excited when wolf care staff enter the enclosure, he is actually increasing his speed an agility, which is not typical as a wolf ages. The only concern we have is that the lack of snow has created some icy conditions, but his toenails are very effective at gripping the dirt and making pretty tight turns. When you work with a wolf over time, you get to learn their personality quirks. Grizzer has many expressions that he shows towards the wolf care staff. This week's photo is one of those classic views. I'm not sure why, but he certainly seemed to question the actions of the wolf care staff.

We are happy to report that Grizzer can still cause some trouble. In the past several months, wolf care staff have gotten into a routine with Grizzer. He greets, goes to the den for some interaction, may race around the enclosure, then may submit to wolf care staff to get a full belly scratch. He's calm for staff interactions and as long as there's no strangers in the yard (Grizzer is all about stranger danger), then things are good. Well, we were raking straw on his den this week and we discovered that he still has a bit of the wild side. When a rake quickly moves back and forth, the predatory drive is stimulated, and Grizzer went into a full stalk, paw and bite posture towards the rake. It was great to see him stimulated, and the rake did survive, but this week's photo shows the change in posture from his normal pose.

Grizzer's had the most staff attention during this period of shedding. With no other competition, he can lay around in full submission while staff work to make him more comfortable. It's always relaxing to interact with Grizzer. There's something therapeutic about brushing a wolf for both the staff and the wolf.

In preparation for the transition to the new log format, we will be posting a YouTube video on a weekly basis, rather than the 20 second clips linked in the weekly log posting. This format should give a better appreciation for the tone of the pack, rather than the individual wolf. There may be a 1 – 2 day delay in the YouTube video posting after the wolf log postings. Grizzer continues to be the largest wolf on site, topping 129 lbs. He does put on the weight during winter, and looks like a table top, with a full winter coat of hair. He is getting a lot of redirected aggression from Shadow, who is agitated with the construction noise and presence on the roof. Only a few more weeks, and the roof is done, hopefully, things will calm down for Grizzer, but at this time, he gets it from all sides, Shadow dominating him, Denali grabbing and foreleg stabbing, Malik trying to get in a few bites, Maya asserting her dominance. The only one who doesn't give Grizzer any dominance is Aidan.

Grizzer is having a very active life these days. He still receives dominance from Shadow, reminding him that he is second ranking. Denali is looking for a chance to find his place in the male rank order, and fortunately for Malik, Denali just skipped over him, and is working on Grizzer. Malik sees any time that Grizzer is occupied as a chance to take in a few grab bites, which is usually not a good idea, but at the time, Malik thinks it's a good choice. Even though Grizzer is 129 lbs, he can still move quickly. Last week, staff observed Grizzer doing an interesting body slam to Denali, pushing Denali onto his back. There was no tension in the wrestling, but we think Grizzer is honing his technique for some encounters this winter. Aidan has been actively waiting for Grizzer to get Denali on his back, then comes in and sits on Denali. Video should be posted on You-Tube in the next few days.

Grizzer is still the calm wolf that avoids confrontations, but isn't so calm that he won't respond. Denali has been practicing some ride-up and mounting behaviors on Grizzer, but Grizzer can't show much dominance without Shadow actively making him submit. So, Grizzer takes Denali's attention, tries to run and find a safe place, like the slate den, but overall, puts up with it. Due to Grizzer's increased weight this fall, we have started him on cosequin and durlactin, usually reserved for 6 year old wolves, but necessary in his case. Now that the yearlings have reached full size, we contemplated reducing the feedings back to once a week, which was standard practice for this exhibit, but the calming effect of a mid-week feeding, mixed with the snow and cold temperatures of October have prompted us to continue feeding on Wednesdays. This may change if Shadow and Malik are retired.

Grizzer's interactions with Malik have decreased with the reduced construction noise and traffic. There is much less physical conflict, but the body postures and eye contact still continues. The key to this relationship is how much testing Grizzer receives from Denali, and how much opportunity Malik takes to get a few bites on Grizzer. So far, Malik has reduced his growling and anxious involvement in Grizzer and Denali's interactions, possibly because Denali's testing is getting more serious.

Grizzer actually did a leap over the leaning tree in the enclosure. To view this amazing leap for a 129 lb wolf, watch the beginning of the YouTube video this week, the clip is brief, when we first started filming, but it's evidence that Grizzer can move when he wants to. Grizzer is definitely a calm personality that would rather avoid conflict, which is good for Malik. But, if Malik pushes the issue, Grizzer will respond.

While warm temperatures in the fall are welcome by humans, they are not comfortable for wolves that have grown a full winter coat to withstand subzero temperatures. In this week’s video, you see Grizzer attempting to cool himself through panting. Fortunately, temperatures are returning to normal this week. Highs are forecasted in the 20’s, and nighttime temperatures will be near zero. The cooler weather will increase the wolves appetite as well. Grizzer also gets quite a workout testing Shadow and trying to find a place in the male rank order.

The main pack had an uneventful week, with the exception of a special program scheduled on December 28th. An enclosure enrichment was a special offering this week to holiday visitors at the Center in Ely, Minnesota. At 1 pm, wolf care staff locked the wolves into holding and placed some treats throughout the enclosure, including a 10 lb turkey, some pigs ears, milk bones and meatballs. The purpose of enclosure enrichment is to give the wolves an opportunity to use their sense of smell and investigate the hidden treats inside the enclosure. In Grizzer's (and Malik's) video, you will see Grizzer chasing Malik with the turkey and after a short tug of war with Maya, gains possession of the bird.