On the YouTube posting someone asked about the behavior between Denali and Maya in the video. Denali was doing some riding up behavior, which is a testing behavior and at this point, it appears that Denali has had enough of Maya’s discipline. This might also coincide with some recent observations of Grizzer testing Shadow. The upcoming months will be interesting to say the least, and we certainly look forward to the Ethology seminar this summer to get some long-term observations. Denali weighed in at 107 lbs, down from his fall weight of 111. It’s not uncommon for a wolf to lose weight over the winter.

Denali has been extremely interactive with Shadow, in a very submissive way, but he certainly has been providing Shadow with some exercise. We also think Denali is responsible for Maya’s new scrape on her face. Well, actually Maya is probably responsible for pushing her limits with the soon to be 2-year old males, but Denali seems to have been in the position to make contact. Denali takes it in stride, still preferring to wrestle and rest.

Denali has become quite possessive over tools. When staff were working on the waterline, he had the idea that he needed a pipe wrench. Wolf possession rules aren't tied to rank, so even though Denali may act submissively to staff, if he gains possession of an item, he will threat display and defend to keep it. This is why wolf care staff must be diligent in keeping tools, scat buckets and hoses under their possession at all times. Actually, of the previous items listed, Denali has gotten them all this month.

Denali turns two years old on April 27th, and while Aidan is the same age, Aidan's lower ranking status keeps him from acting like an immature juvenile. Denali makes up for Aidan, constantly testing every other wolf in the enclosure. In the YouTube this week, Maya attempts to show Denali some discipline, and is able to pin him, but it has little effect on his overall behavior.

Denali is very excited about the Enclosure Enrichment program, waiting at the holding pen gate to be drawn off for the program. Not only is this a good opportunity for the public to see the wolves, but it's also great conditioning for the use of the medical pen which is the primary place to draw the wolves if we need to do maintenance. During Sunday's enrichment, the audio recording of prey sounds stimulated Aidan to do some stalking behavior, but Denali didn't show the same response. Based on behaviors, we have always thought that Aidan has a stronger predatory drive than Denali.

One thing we have noticed since the summer programming season has started is that Denali is much more tolerant of Behind the Scenes groups. There is a significant difference in personalities when it relates to anything around the enclosure. Denali has yet to show any fear avoidance behavior towards any of the human related side of a captive management facility.

Denali is still responding to Grizzer's pack howls, far more than Aidan. He also appears to instigate play behavior more frequently. His time with wolf care can be limited by Aidan's possessiveness, but when Aidan is feeling comfortable, Denali will often rest his head on the shoulders of wolf care staff and allow for a complete inspection. These two are the easiest wolves to vaccinate and we are thankful for the quality socialization as pups.

Denali and Aidan have resumed social behavior. Denali is most likely the instigator, as he didn't appear to have as much separation anxiety as Aidan after the loss of Maya. Of course, Aidan did appear to have the stronger bond with Maya, so this makes sense. The issue wolf care staff deal with is how to give equal time to both wolves when Aidan is so possessive of staff time. Fortunately, most wolf care checks have two individuals staffed at one time, so we can meet both of their needs.

Denali does have a height advantage and we see him gaining some status because of his height. Overall, Denali doesn’t seem too focused on showing or maintaining status, but he does seem focused on social chase behavior. He is also very keen on any changes around the enclosure and will be closely watching the spring construction upgrades to the medical enclosure and Grizzer’s new habitat.

Denali has been showing less howling response to Grizzer, although the Youtube this week does show one clip. The play behavior has increased between Aidan and Denali, with Denali being more physical trying to wrestle more than Aidan. Denali's personality has always been more playful since he was a pup. Staff recently observed the following from the Observation windows; <br> "This morning Denali was looking in a hole that the water was dripping in from off the roof, he put his head down to get a better look and started getting dripped on. He lifted his head and shook. He looked startled and unsure of what happened. This happened several times before he decided he didn't like it! Later he started furiously digging in the snow bank, he would stop look and listen then start up again. Pretty soon he pulled out a deer head and started to run around and play with it."