Denali will certainly live up to his name. He is a large pup, and is nearly Maya’s height. He has taken to spending time on the greeting rock, and while he still looks small on the large rock, it won’t be long until he sprawls out and covers the whole surface. His facial features are very unique and he definitely shows a much broader head than Aidan. He already has the same characteristic poses as Grizzer and will likely be a source of many quality photos.

Written by Kristin Radermacher – Submitted by Pup Nanny Stephanie Lasley Today was a very active day for brothers Denali and Aiden; it was nicknamed “Wolf Pups Gone Wild by the nannies and staff. Denali is the big boy but fiery Aiden held his own and kept stealing anything that Denali had. Denali in return would run after Aiden and attempt to recapture the item. Often there was a tug of war. Time outside was spent running full speed after each other often stalking and pouncing on one another. They would jaw spar, stand over each other and occasionally a roll over by each. The action didn’t stop when they went inside to eat. They were running all over the office trying to climb the counters. Running into – and fighting in – the box from the air conditioner. It was sort of eat and run by both of them. Denali was observed playing trying to cache the stuffed pheasant toy in a hole he dug under the picnic table.

The following log was written by outgoing Nanny Team Leader Theresa Williams:<br> Denali really likes to be on top of the picnic table. It was a great place to nap today with his brother. He does very well during the program. He either sleeps thru them or chews on the items brought in for them. Today, he tried to cache a venison brat on his pillow. His guard hairs are showing more and more each day, giving us a glimpse of this future coloration.

The following logs were written by Nannies, Vicki Bomberger and Lynne Haines. <br> Both pups were active during the programs. During the 5:00 PM program a microphone fell creating large feedback. Both pups ran outside the auditorium, however, Denali returned quickly to the beaver carcass that had been provided for distraction during the program. Aidan returned to the auditorium after a few minutes with a little bit of coaxing. It is important that they both returned to the auditorium after the initial fear. It was a very good socializing response. Denali ignored the bark-howling Shadow exhibited during the evening. Both pups were digging for cached food just before the evening feeding.

Log written by Alexis and Kerry Sharp: Early in the morning, Denali was very active and would incite play chasing after Aidan, with Aidan submitting belly up to Denali twice. Also, when the ambassador pack howled in chorus throughout the day, Denali was quick to respond with his own howl from the pup enclosure. During an evening chorus, Denali’s howling was cut short when Aidan performed a squash on Denali’s head.

Written by Nanny Team Leader Kelly Godfrey: Denali was very active in the morning program. He spent much of the time trying to steal a beaver tail from Aidan, and was finally successful by squashing Aidan. His greater weight allows him to get his way more often than not.

Written by Heather Hoff, Nanny team member: <br> Today was a pretty mellow day for Denali. New straw was put down in the pup enclosure to entice the pups to be in view of the webcam. Denali enjoyed playing in & rolling around in the new straw for a bit then spent most of the day sleeping in his new straw bed. The pool was emptied, rinsed out and re-filled with fresh water. Denali came over to investigate while the tub was on it’s side then went back to romp around in the enclosure – including a favorite spot for both pups – the den area.

Written by Nannies, Tina and Ed Stimpson – Denali was very active during the afternoon programs. He played tug of war with Aidan. Denali initiated play bows with Aidan in the evening. He was also stalking Aidan in the pup pen. The pup pond was filled this evening; Denali enjoyed jumping in and out of the pup pond. Denali and Aidan joined the Exhibit Pack in howling this evening.