Attila is 31 days old today, and we have noticed a more intense growl when he's interacting with Red Paw. Red Paw remains fairly calm, and willing to submit to staff and Nannies, Attila doesn't go down so easy. But, it is educational to watch these instincts develop. The nannies complied a list of "firsts".. first tail wag, play bow, lip curl etc. and we will be posting this in future logs. Attila is very keyed into the smell of deer blood, after a roadkill was collected, he aggressively grabbed, bit and shook the Curator's sleeve. He is advancing well in his predatory skills. Both pups have started self-grooming and are actively seeking corners of the enclosure when they want to rest. These are more independent behaviors. Attila is most successful at eating gruel and lapping formula, and is nearly weaned from the bottle. Red Paw still uses the bottle as his main source of nutrients. But as you can see from their growth rates, they are both doing well. The video problem relates to the Codec used in the compression. A new software is on the way, some people are able to download the video. If you cannot, you may try to upgrade Microsoft Media Player. We will resume video and audio recordings when the new software arrives.

Attila is 34 days old today. Attila’s display of dominance is very clear to Nannies and Staff. He’s been doing a lot of growling and head shaking either on the stuffed wolf toy or to his brother. He enjoys the free time roaming in the wolf lab, inspecting everything. He showed some fear response to a strange noise in the room, and went back inside his pup den. During the one o’clock program, he did some tug-of-war behavior with Red Paw for possession of the deer leg. He also seemed to over-mark Red Paw's urination, but at this time it is hard to tell. He was very interested in Wolf Care Staff Jess Edberg's clothes after she helped move the deer carcass for the What’s for Dinner program. He growled at her when she tried to move him away from her arm.

The programming with the pups is going well, we do need to have some modifications about protocol. Shadow is not taking to any new people in the wolf yard and is bark howling when Nannies are present. So, nannies wait inside the auditorium, while wolf care staff who are on a pup shift, walk the pups to the back door of the auditorium, through the wolf yard. Layers of fencing were added around the Exhibit Pack fencing to keep the pups from getting direct access to the adults at the fence. The pups run up to the edge of the fence and greet, but have a safe distance to avoid any noses or paws through the fence. Red Paw has had a full tail wag when greeting the adults. Attila is a bit more nervous. While waiting for the program, the pups have a chance to urinate and defecate before going indoors. They also start wrestling when they are outside the auditorium, and are getting a more positive experience walking to and from the wolf lab. Atilla is taking most of his meals from the bowl rather than the bottle. This will help since he has some avoidance issues with bottles. He has shown far more predatory, especially prior to a program. In an effort to get them used to canids larger than themselves, we have introduced the Curator's dog Jake, he is very tolerant of pups and will help apply discipline to the pups and get them used to the sounds of growling and dominance before they enter the Exhibit Pack. The video clips you see today are of that introduction. There are no audio clips today. Their canine teeth have emerged and are long enough for a caliper measurement.

Attila is 33 days old today. The pups ears are standing erect most of the time, and their hearing is greatly improved. Attila woke at the sounds of the wolves howling, perked his ears and tried to focus on the sound of howling. They are getting more comfortable with the sound, and are not as inclined to whine and whine/howl to the adults, indicating that they’re probably seeking comfort in the sound. Attila tugged on the deer leg with Lori, the first serious tug-of-war behavior related to carcass feeding stimulus. Attila dragged the deer leg out of the back door during a program. Attila continues to assert dominance, but Red Paw did a stand over Attila when he had a bone. Later in the day, Nannies recorded Attila doing a stand-over Red Paw, so dominance behavior does go back and forth.

Attila is 32 days old today. Here are some items from the past 24 hour behavioral notes. <br> Exhibit play behavior, growling. Lori had to put him on his back two times, because of aggressive growling. Lori picked up a roadkill and the pups started pulling at Lori's shirt that had some residual deer blood. <br> Lots of playbowing and wrestling early in program. Attila submissive paw to Red Paw. After the program, Attila is really exploring the wolf yard, with play bows, stalking and pouncing in yard. The pups woke in response to adults howling, but did not respond with howls, the pups groomed themselves after play behavior. Much more predatory behavior, pulling then shaking Red Paw repeatedly for several minutes. Attila is really taking to the bowl, he lapped formula so fast that he would not let Red Paw at bowl. <br> Attila had an intense facial greeting with good begging behavior to Donna Prichard, and did a Stand Over Red Paw. He straddled and dominted the stuffed moose.

Sorry for the delay in logs, the Wolf Curator took her first day off since May 2nd. The pups are starting to gain guard hairs, these are their permanent hairs that will dictate the color of their pelage. The hairs are starting at the base of their tail and they are very silver in color. The pups are responding well to the antibiotics for the bladder infection and are gaining weight again. We are still going back and forth between the gruel and the bottle, some of this is related to the pup preference. Red Paw still enjoys a full meal from the bottle. Their canine teeth have grown enough for us to start taking measurements. We avoided it until know to not cause any gum irritation with the calipers, but we are definitely seeing canine teeth.

Attila continues to show some strong fear avoidance behavior towards the adult wolves when they get very excited, towards fast movement by caretakers, by anything out of his comfort zone. This is apparent during programs as well, and wolf care staff and Nannies have a lot of socialization work to do with him in particular. We start by trying to create anxious situations into positive situations, but that is easier said than done with a wolf pup.

The pups are doing better in programs, but Attila still has some anxiety. It is important that wolf care staff and nannies help reduce that anxiety by providing a good distraction. The behavioral logs note increased play behavior with more intensity and better coordination. Attila is still the most likely pup to do a stalk and pounce behavior. He does seem to exhibit more predatory behavior than Red Paw, but with the deer tail in the program today, it is clear that Red Paw has some good wolf traits. Attila is still uneasy when in the wolf yard, although some outside play after the 3 pm program made Attila more confident. He spends a fair amount of time sniffing the areas where Lakota walks when she has free time in the wolf yard. The pups both enjoy free time in the lab, but Attila still seeks refuge under the desk.

Attila has been doing extremely well with programs, but wolf care staff need to work with Attila on some fear avoidance behavior with loud noises, fast movement and people walking toward them. Attila is very interested in the Curator's dog, and displayed a submissive paw towards Jake. The purpose of using the dog is to get the pups exposed to a large canine standing over them, and reduce their fear response. If they show intimidation and fear the first time they physically meet the adult wolves, this could be perceived as a weakness. We will continue to work with the dog throughout the summer.

Attila had a good program day, although he was startled by a young toddler running up toward the fence. Attila seems to be more alert to quick motions and exhibits more predatory behavior. As I write this, both pups are under my desk chewing on someones shoe. Social time in the lab is important, and whatever makes them comfortable.