The database has been having some issues, so to catch up for this week, I will be posting only the images and weights. The pups are doing well in programs and enjoying their time in the outdoor enclosure. We are working on some behavioral methods to keep them on camera, but they have a lot of space to roam and do like to spend time in their denbox.

Written by Ann Beyer, Nanny Team Leader Week #5: During the hot and humid days of summer, one of the concerns is heat stress when the pups are outside. The pups are affected by ambient temperature, meaning that when it is hot, they are hot, and when it is cold, they are cold. So, on these hot, humid days of summer, wolf care staff and nannies have to watch the pups for signs of overheating. This might include frequent encouragement to drink water, time in their pond, running water in the enclosure so their paws stay damp, pup "popsicles" (ice with deer/chicken bits), a cool, damp cloth to the groin area, and scheduling pup pen time during cooler parts of the day.

Written by Nanny Team Members Bridget Lyons & Cathy Jents: Today was Aidan and Denali's first all-day experience in the outdoor pup enclosure. Both pups seemed to enjoy this time outside running, playing and exploring. Aidan was particularly intrigued with the newly-laid straw inside the "den" (crate). Aidan first approached with caution, but soon found lots of entertainment playing in the straw. He would continually pounce on the hay, making it move here and there. Once arranged to his liking, we also observed him caching his food in the straw.

We definitely had some weight issues yesterday, when an earlier posting showed 27+ pounds. We corrected the logs yesterday and have switched to yet another scale. This is the scale that we will be using as adults, and the pups are much more comfortable and actually fit on the scale. The scale measures to the nearest .4 lbs, so we will still have some rounding issues, but we not only judge health by weight, but also by activity. These pups are very active, and have negative fecal samples for parasites. The only issue we have with Aidan is his food preference. It varies between chicken, pure venison and lately, beaver. Every day is different and is a constant challenge for wolf care staff to find the right mix. We also had to modify the nanny schedule to end their shifts at 10 pm due to bark howling from both Shadow and Malik. Now, the 10 pm – midnight shift is just covered by wolf care staff to leave the exhibit in a calm, quiet state for the night.

Wolf care staff on the weekend only recorded weight, no photos, data or video.

We've been getting comments about Aidan's change in locations on the webcams. As aggressive behaviors moderate this time of the year, Aidan has much more freedom and will spend time on the greeting rock. Of course, with this new found freedom, he does have to deal with Denali's wrestling, which his photo shows, is not always a positive social experience.

Aidan is really starting to mix and interact with the pack on a regular basis. He joins the pack in the holding area prior to feedings, and is frequently tail wagging, jaw sparring and rubbing shoulder to shoulder with Shadow, Denali and Grizzer. He even has him moments with Maya. One of the staff observed that Maya was on her back on top of the den hill, Aidan was doing his typical foreleg stab towards Maya, when she started to slide down the hill on her back, Aidan rode her like a surfboard.

Aidan has the least amount of winter coat, making him the most comfortable in this unusual spring heat. Temperatures have reached the upper 80's, which is not very common for Northern Minnesota. We have noticed a difference between Denali and Aidan related to swimming preferences. Denali frequently goes for a swim, while Aidan is much more reserved, staying at the edge of the pond. This could be related to pack status and comfort. A low ranking wolf may not be comfortable in having a quick escape when chest deep in the pond. Aidan finds other ways to keep cool, he is frequently in a dug den at the upper enclosure, coming down to greet with a head full of sand.

Aidan has been receiving the most brushing and has the least amount of hair to brush. This may be related to the stress of being an omega which may affect coat condition or may just be his genetic pattern. His coat is soft and glossy, just sparse. Overall, Aidan's behavior is much more interactive with the pack, and other than short bouts of Maya dominance and jaw sparring, he rallies on a regular basis. His preference does seem to be Shadow, but lately, Denali and Aidan have been more social.