The pups' urine samples came back from the lab with no problems. This was just a follow-up to issues earlier in June, and is part of the pre-introduction health exam. The pups had blood draw twice this week, and both times, they slept without even waking up to the needle. Joyce Riveroll, visiting volunteer and veterinarian conducted the blood draw as a familiar person in their lives; It is six days and counting until the introduction.

Written by Nanny Team Leader Kelly Godfrey: During one of today's pup programs Aidan and Denali were sleeping soundly until the exhibit pack became active near the windows. Aidan and Denali both awoke when hearing the commotion and went to the windows to investigate. Aidan spent the remainder of the program on the window ledge watching the exhibit pack with much interest.

Written by Nanny Team Leader Kelly Godfrey: Ely has been very hot and humid lately. Wolf pups have a harder time staying cool in heat like this and try to stay cool by panting. They also lose heat through the pads in their paws. Other ways to stay cool include playing in the stock water tank, digging into the dirt to make a cool spot to lie on, or to sleep often. Aidan's favorite spot to cool down on hot summer days is in a spruce bough hut in the wolf yard. Today's picture shows Aidan on another favorite spot: the cool concrete pad by the center's door. The video shows the pups staying in the shade and cool dirt in the pup pen.

Written by Nanny Team Leaders Betty Magnuson and Jennifer Ell: Wolf Care Staff retrieved two sucker minnows when the exhibit pond was cleaned. The minnows were put into the stock tank in the pup pen. Aidan, with his predatory instinct, was successful in catching a minnow by the tail. While Aidan was "fishing," Denali was watching him. The Denali stole it away. Aidan returned to the stock tank and caught the second minnow, chewed on it but did not eat it. He made a third trip to the stock tank but there were no more minnows. Today's picture shows Aidan watching the exhibit pack from the window in the auditorium. He appears ready to join the pack.

Written by Nanny Team Leader Ann Rasberry: Today the curator, Lori Schmidt, brought her dog Jake in to work with the pups. It is crucial that the pups have exposure to a large, growly canid before they are introduced to the exhibit pack. Submitting willingly and not showing fear are important skills for integrating into the pack. Aidan saw Jake immeditately in the wolf lab. His response was precisely what the curator hoped for; he ran immediately to Jake and completely submitted. He rolled onto his back, wagged his tail, and pawed at Jake. Aidan ran in and out of the kennel, actively submitting to Jake each time; a positive sign for the introduction.

The pups did well with the 4th of July sounds, as well as the sound of the natural thunderstorms that role through this time of year.

Aidan and Denali had a successful neutering and were back in the pack holding area throughout the weekend for recovery. They did well, but were quite a hand full for the wolf care staff on 24 hour a day duty from Friday night until Monday morning, when the pups returned to the pack. The introduction back to the pack was similar to the first day, with all the adult males joining the pups in the pack holding are prior to release. The pups sutures are healing well, and they are on antibiotics for a full week. The pond was drained before they returned to the pack, so their sutures would stay dry. Unfortunately, temperatures reached 90 degrees today, so the pups stayed nice in cool in an underground den at the top of the enclosure.

Written by Kristin Radermacher, submitted by Kate O'Meara Aidan 22.6lbs Aidan may be a finicky eater when it comes to gruel, but he’s not picky about bugs. Today he stalked and at a moth. Turning dinnertime into a game improves his appetite as well – he pounced on and ate the chicken that was pushed through the hole in the corner of the cardboard box. During the 1:00 pup program he slept the entire time except when a hawk flew overhead; then his attention was on the hawk the entire time. At the 11:00 pup program Aidan was munching on a deer leg while Denali had a beaver tail. After a few minutes, Aidan decided he wanted the beaver tail instead, so he went over to his brother to grab it. They tussled and growled, but Denali eventually won the battle of the beaver tail and Aidan went back to his deer leg. Added by Kristin Radermacher; This afternoon after the last pup program we took the pups out to the pup pen. Aidan found a deer leg and was seen scent rolling on it. He then dug up the pinecone that Denali had cached.