It seems that we write about the same issues for Aidan each week, but they are prominent in his world and continue to be the issue of Maya showing dominance over Aidan. Aidan's adapted quite well, and while we had some holding pen issues with Aidan last week, Saturday night's feeding was calm, with all wolves going into holding. Aidan is very alert to the construction noise, but doesn't show the kind of fear avoidance that is observed in Denali. Aidan wants reassurance that he is part of this pack, and he seeks this from Shadow and Grizzer. While he's been refraining from howling with the pack, due to the tendency of Maya to redirect after a howl, he was observed howling with the pack during the Sunday night "Wolf Howl" program, a high pitched squeaky howl, but a howl just the same. In Aidan's video this week, you'll see him looking for reassurance from Grizzer while Grizzer is pinning Denali, then Aidan decides to sit on Denali, in what the Ethogram codes as a squash.

In preparation for the transition to the new log format, we will be posting a YouTube video on a weekly basis, rather than the 20 second clips linked in the weekly log posting. This format should give a better appreciation for the tone of the pack, rather than the individual wolf. There may be a 1 – 2 day delay in the YouTube video posting after the wolf log postings. The wolf care staff managed to get weights this week, Aidan weighed in at 103 lbs, still below his April weight of 106, but gaining 2 lbs since August. He does get a fair amount of exercise eluding Maya, so he is bound to be slower in weight gain. Otherwise, Aidan continues to get redirected aggression for the dominants, Shadow and Maya that are a bit stressed by the construction noise. The scheduled completion date for the roof project is October 1st. Fortunately, we have had warm weather this month which helps keep them lethargic and out of trouble. In preparation for a fall retirement, we have been using the smaller medical pen next to the lab to let the wolves become familiar with the pen. In the event that Malik needs to be moved into retirement, we want to be able to draw Grizzer and the yearlings into the medical pen, which is farther away from the gate to retirement. Aidan enjoys this pen, and spends several hours a week resting near the lab door.

The wind is strong today, as a storm from the northwest brought rain and many leaves down. It also brought down a large diameter tree, fortunately, away from the fence, but it is a hazard tree for the wolves. Aidan is a bit nervous in the wind, but had a good wolf check today. He seems more confident, and has been observed in play behavior, even with Maya.

Despite the focus of Maya, Aidan does get some relaxing moments with staff, as indicated by his photo this week. He is always on the alert for Maya's presence, but does find time to submit to staff, jaw spar with his littermate Denali, and greet Shadow. In discussions with the Biology and Chemistry faculty at Vermilion Community College, it does appear that we will be able to start the fecal cortisol study this winter. This is a study to look at cortisol levels in the scat as an indicator of stress, and hopefully, be able to identify stress levels of individuals, then attempt to apply some management techniques. Initially, when this study was proposed, we were concerned about Malik, but Aidan's situation warrants data as well. One note to all wolf log readers, we are experiencing some difficulty with video editing software. The curator has purchased a new computer and an upgrade of software, but it may not be arriving for a few days. Please be patient, we know the importance of the video, and will solve it before the next YouTube is due on September 1st. In the meantime, a podcast is being produced today, discussing the behavioral observations of the summer Ethology and Pups at One Year participants.

Written by Nanny Team Members Tina and Ed Stimpson. Aidan showed no fear avoidance with the new male nannies. Aidan was active during the afternoon programs. Aidan chewed on a deer leg during the program. After eating in the evening, he was playful around the Wolf Yard. Aidan was chasing Denali and jumping on and off the picnic table. He spent a lot of time next to the fence interacting with the Exhibit Pack.

The following logs were written by Nannies, Vicki Bomberger and Lynne Haines.<br> Both pups were active during the programs. During the 5:00PM program Aidan focused and guarded a frozen beaver carcass. The pups have been extremely active between programs exhibiting jaw sparring, squashing and chasing. Aidan was particularly responsive to howling and bark-howling by Shadow. He would run to the fence or pace around the pup den. There was increased anxiety due in part to the 7:30 adult wolf feeding. Both pups were digging for cached food just before the evening feeding. Aidan, who has had some fear of males, accepted the new male nanny on Saturday.

Log written by Alexis and Kerry Sharp: During the 5 pm pup program, Denali was chewing on a beaver tail which Aidan wanted. Aidan dragged the pillow which Denali was resting on and tried to submissively paw the beaver tail away from Denali. Finally, Aidan did a squash maneuver on Denali in order to distract him and gain possession of the beaver tail.

Written by Nannies, Tina and Ed Stimpson – Aidan was very active during the afternoon programs. He played tug of war with Denali. Aidan enjoyed play chasing Denali around the pup pen. Aidan and Denali did a lot of jaw sparring in the morning and in the evening. The pup pond was filled this evening; Aidan jumped in and out of the pond and tried to take the hose as the pond was being filled. Aidan and Denali joined the Exhibit Pack in howling this evening.

Written by pup nannies Jennifer Ell and Betty Magnuson: Aidan cached some venison this morning, and ate a few bites that Denali dug up from a previous cache. Aidan chased Denali around the pup pen for about 15 minutes. Pups were asleep when curator Lori Schmidt started using the chain saw to cut a tree that had fallen in the main enclosure, both pups sat up, their ears turned around towards the sound, then laid down again. There were no signs of stress, just curiosity. It was a hot day, and pups sought out shade under the hut.

Written by Nanny Team Members, Tina and Ed Stimpson – Aidan participated in caching chicken this morning. He would watch Denali cache the chicken and then dig it up after Denali left. During the 11:00 a.m. Pup 101 program, Aidan found most of the elk and cheese meatballs that the nannies had hidden in the pup pen in the auditorium. Aidan and Denali both did jaw sparring, tug of war, food possession, and squashes during the Behind Scenes program this morning.