Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement
The International Wolf Center is a science-based, educational organization. We know that diversity creates strength and resilience in nature and in human communities. We value diverse perspectives on issues surrounding wolves, wildlands, and their relationship with people. Our organization must reflect, include, and celebrate diversity in order to fully accomplish our mission.
Our mission is to advance the survival of wolf populations by teaching about wolves, their relationships to wildlands and the human role in their future. We envision a world in which wolves thrive and diverse communities of people engage in well-informed, respectful dialogue concerning coexistence with wolves. To carry out this mission, our organization must embrace and engage historically underrepresented communities.
Our vision will be fully realized when all people have access to science-based education about wolves and wildlands. We encourage people with differing viewpoints about wolves to engage in collaborative dialogue in which all parties are listened to and treated with respect. By including all voices, we ensure valuable perspectives, knowledge, and creative solutions for wolf populations.
We recognize the history of discrimination and inequity within our field of wildlife conservation. We commit ourselves to identifying and acting to remove barriers that prevent people from historically underrepresented communities, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, abilities, socioeconomic classes or other identities from engaging with our work.
Approved by the Board of Directors – Dec. 17, 2021