The International Wolf Center uses science-based education to teach and inspire the world about wolves, their ecology, and the wolf-human relationship.

The International Wolf Center envisions a world where wolves and humans coexist within healthy ecosystems. Humans respect, understand, and value wolves, allowing their populations to exist at ecologically functional levels over broad expanses of their native range.
As a teaching and learning organization, the International Wolf Center operates from a set of values.
We Value:
EDUCATION: We gather information from credible sources around the world, define our educational messages and present them in a meaningful way to our audiences. We draw information from scientific study and through collection of divergent viewpoints representing current and historic cultural perspectives. Our educational products and services are timely, comprehensive, accurate and objective. We advocate for the wolf through education and by providing a forum for dialogue on wolf issues.
EFFECTIVENESS: We create quality products and services through thoughtful process and high productivity. Through shared planning we commit to priorities and we target our work to achieve them.
LEADERSHIP: The organization grants leadership and influence to our best qualified and most knowledgeable and effective staff, board members and volunteers. Participants support the Center’s leadership and work to make everything go well.
COOPERATION: We encourage diverse viewpoints and collaboration among stakeholders. Synergy is fostered through inclusion, flexibility, ethical persuasion, courtesy and humor. Stakeholders, such as staff, board members, vendors, volunteers and customers are treated fairly and respectfully. Their contributions are acknowledged and appreciated.
EMPOWERMENT: We align delegation of authority and responsibility. Authority is thoughtfully delegated, and appropriate input is sought and given influence. Sound decision-making is fueled by sharing factual information, diverse perspectives and constructive feedback. We promote professional growth in and outside the Center.
EVALUATION: We continually assess the International Wolf Center’s values, vision, mission, goals and performance. We set goals, monitor results and make improvements. We use internal and external evaluation to improve effectiveness, help the Center account to the people it serves and provide a means of sharing with colleagues what has been learned.
SUSTAINABILITY: We answer to our customers, follow conservative fiscal policy and plan for the future. Our budget is a working document which reflects our resources and objectives. Board and staff members carry out their fiscal and legal responsibilities, and we communicate results to funders and to the public.
Make it so.

The International Wolf Center uses science-based education to teach and inspire the world about wolves, their ecology, and the wolf-human relationship.